The Power of Onshoring: Transforming the US Construction Industry
A strategic game-changer for businesses, onshoring is on the up, whereby construction, manufacturing and operations are being brought back home. But what impact will this have?

In an era characterised by globalisation and offshoring, a new trend is emerging that breathes fresh life into the US construction industry: onshoring.
As the dynamics of the global economy shift, various American businesses are reevaluating their supply chain strategies, and the construction sector is no exception.
Here we’re exploring the transformative impact of onshoring on the US construction industry, delving into its impact on construction recruitment, as well as discovering how Imperium Global is poised to steer the industry through these revolutionary changes.
What is onshoring?
In previous years, we saw a surge in businesses moving their operations away from the US overseas. But we’re now seeing a reversal. Onshoring is on the up, a strategic game-changer for businesses, whereby operations and manufacturing is brought back home to the heart of America. But why?
It’s simple. The allure of lower labour costs abroad once drove offshoring practices, but this trend is rapidly losing its sheen. Rising geopolitical tensions, logistical complexities and the pursuit of sustainable business practices are prompting the resurgence of onshoring. But how will this impact the nation’s pivotal industries – most prominently, US construction?
How onshoring is empowering construction nationwide:
Reduced supply chain delays
Onshoring in the construction industry yields a powerful advantage by minimising supply chain delays. With production brought closer to home, contractors can circumvent the complexities and uncertainties associated with international logistics.
This results in projects being completed on time and within budget, fostering efficiency and client satisfaction.
Improved quality control
Bringing operations back to the US grants construction companies greater control over the materials and products used in their projects. By adhering to strict quality control measures, contractors can ensure that projects are executed to the highest standards, enhancing the overall reputation of the industry.
Recent surveys report that 60% of companies that have brought their operations back onto home soil have seen improvements in quality, due to being able to better monitor their products.
Increased job opportunities
The onshoring movement is not just about bricks and mortar; it’s a catalyst for building brighter futures for American workers.
As companies invest in domestic manufacturing facilities and infrastructure projects, a surge in job opportunities ripples through the construction industry. From skilled craftsmen to innovative engineers and enthusiastic business leaders, the demand for diverse talent knows no bounds. 2022 data suggests that around 364,000 jobs were announced for the year due to onshoring, a huge 53% increase from 2021.
As the onshoring movement gains traction, construction companies diversify their operations to cater to a broader range of projects. This diversification, in turn, creates job opportunities in specialised areas such as green construction, sustainable building practices, and smart infrastructure developments.
Plus, onshoring reverabates far beyond direct construction jobs, igniting growth in related industries such as building material suppliers and transportation services, bolstering economic growth and opening up more employment opportunities. By sourcing talent domestically, construction companies create a positive ripple effect, leading to increased spending and improved infrastructure.
Unearthing industry leaders
Specialists in construction recruitment, we’re best-placed to navigate fast-paced innovation, volatile market conditions and rising industry trends, such as onshoring.
One of our core strengths lies in our ability to identify hidden gems – talented professionals who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but are open to the right offer. In an era of onshoring, where construction firms seek the best-in-class talent to fuel their growth, tapping into this pool of undiscovered potential is invaluable.
Though the construction industry is suffering from a widespread talent shortage, we know this isn’t necessarily the case. You just need to know how to find the right individuals.
Over the years, Imperium Global has built a vast network of construction professionals, from entry-level to C-suite executives. Although our reach is global, our consultants are seasoned professionals in the American construction market. Therefore, we’re ready to tackle the increasing demands of onshoring.
This expansive talent pool allows them to quickly identify and connect with the right candidates for the specific needs of construction companies adapting to onshoring. We’ve got the competitive advantage to help your company soar to new heights.
The onshoring trend is not static; it will continue to evolve in line with technological advancements and ever-changing market dynamics.